This grant supports improved access to heritage collections through collections digitization and digital content development, as well as activities that build capacity in these areas. Eligible projects

  • Build capacity to support the digitization of and digital access to heritage collections, including the development of a digitization strategy and training.
  • To digitize collections, which must be guided by a digitization strategy and must include making the majority of digitized heritage collections publicly accessible
  • To develop digital content, based on digitized heritage collections, which is delivered online and/or in person and published using a variety of digital programs, platforms and channels.
  • To share best practices, develop and deliver training, resources and services, which must involve more than one organization and/or be developed by one organization to benefit multiple organizations.

Deadline: March 1, 2022


  • Up to $300,000 per fiscal year
  •  $900,000 maximum (for projects taking place over three fiscal years)

Are you interested in receiving grant writing support for this grant application? Please contact us for a detailed grant overview, and to share your project, by emailing