Did you know that grants can offer your organization the ability to hire a consultant? Known as “capacity building” grants – these funding opportunities allow you to request funds to build your organization’s capacity.

Funders want to support the development of skills and knowledge within your organization, particularly when you are unable to host public events during the pandemic. In return, they are helping to build the strength of the non-profit sector, and furthering their goal of funding excellence.

Common uses of these funds are to hire experts, often consultants, to engage your team in a planning or training exercise, or to conduct research. This includes training on how to write grants, conduct prospect research, market your programs, manage volunteers, develop budgets, and evaluate your programs. Together with our partners, DoGood Fundraising offers many of these services. > Click here to learn more!

Here’s a few current grants which can be used to hire a consultant for free, at no cost to your organization:

  • Supporting Black Canadian Communities Initiatives – this grant allows you to hire a company such as ours to diversify your organization’s funding sources, through grants of up to $45,000. Examples of project activities include consultation to bring in new corporate or investment revenue, grant writing services, and fundraising support. We were previously brought on as a grant writing partner, and committed to writing a number of grants at a fixed rate through our All-Inclusive Grant Writing service.
  • Investment Readiness program – this grant allows you to hire a consultant for a range of services, to help your organization to be “ready” for the Social Finance Fund, an $800 Million Federal commitment to the social good sector. Examples of potential activities which could be funded include business planning, grant writing, viability studies, impact measurement, and more. In the past, our company was hired to develop a customized fundraising training program for non-profit staff and board members, and conduct Prospect Research.
  • Resilient Communities Fund – this grant provides the opportunity for your organization to recover from the impacts of Covid-19, and enables you to hire a range of professionals with up to $150,000 in grants. Examples of uses for the funding include improving financial resources and alternative revenue streams. In early 2021, we worked with a charity to develop a Fundraising Plan, and delivered workshops through our Professional Development Training service for the organization. We continue to engage with the organization on a monthly basis through our Annual Plan service.

To learn more about how we can build your capacity, and to request a detailed quote for an upcoming grant, please contact Rohit Mehta at info@dogoodfundraising.ca, or > click here to schedule a free call.