It was a pleasure inviting our clients to join us for our first in-person event since the pandemic! We were pleased to host leaders from across the nonprofit sector, as well as subject matter experts and funders for an immersive day of professional development and learning.

Alex Glass, Executive Director of @ArtsBuildON, opened our event with a TED-style talk on the secret ingredient for operating successful arts and culture venues. 

Shaminda Perera, Manager at the Learning and Resource Development department of @VolunteerMBC, then spoke about the benefits of membership and capacity-building programs.

Rohit Mehta, Founder and President of DoGood Fundraising discussed the trends in granting seen throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, and challenges and opportunities in fundraising.

Stephanie Crocker, Principal Consultant at SCC Consulting led a workshop on building partnerships for community resources and working in partnership with governments. 

Daniel Francavilla of @kingstmedia and Daniel Does Consulting spoke about the importance of and how to grow your online presence & showcase your impact with relevant parties.

Daniel’s presentation  was followed by Marianthi Karras of @SevaFoodBank speaking about strategies for recruitment, retention, engagement, and evaluation of volunteers.

Finally, we invited Jennifer Kirner @FriendlyFuture and Paul Chamberlain @UWGreaterTO to discuss trends, challenges, and advice for the nonprofit sector on the “Conversation with Nonprofit Funders” panel. 

In addition to formal presentations made by key individuals in the fundraising and nonprofit sector, we also encouraged attendees to network with one another via casual conversation in the hopes of establishing and strengthening inter-industry connections. 

The contributions of our presenters to our understanding of fundraising was well-received by the DoGood community, and we welcome everyone to save the date for a larger-scale event on September 8, 2022!

Thank you to our hard-working staff team, including Jordan, Samina, Manreet, Flynne and Leezie, without whom this event would not have been possible, and to all of our guests and clients who continue encouraging us to raise more money so we can all continue to “Do Good” work in our communities.