Feasibility Consultant – # 1216
Request for Proposal #1216
By DoGood Fundraising
Updated April 1, 2022
Deadline: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 12:00 PM
We are working with an impactful hunger charity in the Peel Region. The organization requires a Feasibility Consultant to guide the staff on ways to diversify their revenue, and to explore new revenue generation streams. Applicants are invited to submit a quote of 2 to 4 pages in length, outlining how they would deliver on the following opportunity:
Feasibility Consultant
We are seeking an external consultant to conduct a feasibility study identifying the following:
– Needs assessment, especially with regards to needs related to food, legal, housing, employment, and mental health of stakeholders.
– Engagement of stakeholder groups. International students are the focus, but other newcomers, food bank clients, and volunteers would be considered.
– Potential partnerships with settlement agencies, educational institutions, and more that could be leveraged.
– An assessment of required resources (financial, human, operational).
Most work will be virtual (online) and may include in-person meetings with the Board and other stakeholders, dependent on public health guidelines for gatherings.
The project budget should be in the range of $20,000 – no more than $45,000 in total for the completion of the feasibility study.
The project is expected to start by August 15, 2022. All deliverables must be completed by July 31, 2022.
Proposal Format:
Proposals shall include the following:
• Proposed work plan, schedule, and deliverables including project activities, milestones, and level of effort anticipated for each task (i.e. hours, days)
• Description of any expected challenges
• Detailed budget breakdown including hourly/daily rate(s) of consultant, an estimate of hours/days of work, all labour and other overhead, materials, equipment, travel, communication, and delivery costs, staff time, disbursements
• Background and related experience of consultant(s)
Email: Please send your proposal with the subject line “RFP 1216 Feasibility Study” to info@dogoodfundraising.ca
Deadline: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 12:00 PM