This grant will increase the capacity of Black-led communities and non-profit organizations that are dedicated to Black Canadian communities. The initiative aims to provide funding through a fair and transparent process, and otherwise support Black community
organizations across Canada to increase their organizational capacity in the areas of:

  • Facilitating access to funding from a more diverse range of funding sources
  • Enhancing organizational governance to provide greater organizational stability and improved planning and oversight functions, with a specific focus on the following:
    • Leadership and stewardship
    • Communication and transparency
    • Continuous learning and growth
    • Empowerment and accountability
    • Service and fairness
    • Accomplishment and measurement
  •  Enhancing operational management effectiveness and efficiency

Funding: between $10,000 to $45,000

Deadline: November 14, 2021

Are you interested in receiving grant writing support for this grant application? Please contact us for a detailed grant overview, and to share your project, by emailing