OAC Music Recording Projects

OAC Music Recording Projects

The program’s priorities are to support music created by Ontario composers/songwriters as well as works by other Canadians. This includes projects that feature non-Ontario composers (a compelling case should be made for how the project will add to what is currently...
Region of Peel Capacity Building Fund

Region of Peel Capacity Building Fund

The Region of Peel’s Community Investment Program offers funding for non-profits and charities. The Capacity Fund places a greater focus on the outcome of capacity building rather than the process of capacity building. This new fund is intended to strengthen...
Telus Community Boards

Telus Community Boards

Join us for our free information session on February 25, 2021 at 7:00pm > Register now! The TELUS Friendly Future Foundation allocates funds to 13 Canadian TELUS Community Boards. TELUS Community Boards fund one-time community-based health programs, including...
The TD Ready Commitment Grant

The TD Ready Commitment Grant

Join us for our free information session on June 17, 2021 at 7:00pm > Register now! TD Ready Commitment Funding aims to open doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow based on the four (4) interconnected Drivers of Change; Financial Security, Vibrant...
Ontario Small Business Support Grant

Ontario Small Business Support Grant

Ontario nonprofits with paid staff may be eligible for the new Small Business Support Grant. Funding: Starting at $10,000 for all eligible businesses, the grant provides businesses with funding to a maximum of $20,000 Focus areas: Organizations legislated to close...